An engine building board game inspired by the gnostic concept of fate. The concept is for the players to run through a central system over and over until a win state is achieved. The central engine is styled as a play and its plot, which the players build into using their own deck of cards. Each player interacts with the engine differently, they each have different roles and win states. The gameplay is constantly changed through the game, and every game should be drastically different from the last, leaving the players with a tangible story after play (which should be different every time). The key concepts behind this design idea were; improvisation, narrative driven and extreme replayability.

The Team

Ariele Borghi

Elizabeth Miller

Lead artist and visual designer, managed social media and manufacturing.

Lead Game designer and the first to work on this project, also worked as a project manager and contributed to media management and website building.


The art style was developed by me and is heavily inspired by Greek pottery. The texturing is meant to evoke clay. The pink tint of the whole game was chosen when i was writing an essay on the roles of women in Athenian plays and realising just how little they were included in this part of history; because of this we decided to make this game distinctly female.


box pic.png

send liz.png

play pic.png

Heimarmene closed box.png

These images were taken at the john Hansard gallery exhibition, they feature one of our final physical prototypes.




Here is some official art used as covers and advertisements.

booklet img 2 (landscape).png

booklet image.png

booklet img 4 (landscape).png

booklet img 3 (landscape).png

And some extras, mainly a closer look at some of the designs. The character design required a lot of research into Athenian Plays and Mythos, every element of these character and art can be traced back to their role in the game’s script and as a historical figure.

Untitled (2).png

Untitled (3).png